Friday, November 6, 2009

Where have I been hiding?

I just noticed that I haven't written anything in well, FOREVER! So much has happened over the year that time seems to have slipped away from me! In May, I married the man that I have loved whole heartedly for the last 4 years. I couldn't ask for a better man to share my life with. In September, Lilly started kindergarten. How is is possible that the baby I "just" had is already old enough to be in school? She's lost 3 teeth and has another one hanging by a thread. She's growing up right before my eyes. She turns 6 on December 2nd. I just can't believe it's been 6 years!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Valentine's Day.....

Last night we sat down to fill out Valentine cards for Lilly's friends from school. I can't help but the people making these things not realize that small children write LARGE??? The line for the "to" and "from" is only large enough to hold a few letters. Do they also not realize that in todays day and age, parents name their kids things like "Supercalafragalistic?" (Ok, so maybe NOT quite that...) But parents do include enough letters to make it look like they shook up the Boggle letters and dumped them out and decided that should be their childs name. I can't tell you how many we had to throw away because we couldn't make them fit on the line. Anal, uhm...Lilly couldn't stand that they weren't perfect, so off to the trash they went.

In other Valentine related news, Lilly can't wait to wear her Julie original shirt tomorrow. Don't know Julie? Check her out at or look for her on Ebay!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wedding planning in full swing....

I never thought it would happen. I never thought I would see the day that I would be a bride.'s happening! On May 30th, I will become Kate Keith...What a strange sound. After all these years of having the same name, I'm not sure I will even recognize the sound of a new name! What have we accomplished so far? Well, we have a chapel, a reception site, a dress, a cake lady, a photographer...and a groom (that's probably the most important thing, huh?)

Should probably look for a minister, a pianist and organist. Maybe some invitations too! Then it's flowers and centerpieces and hotels, and, you can see it's in full swing!

Please continue to pray for Kelly, Scott and Harper and also for baby Brayden who is in the same NICU. Pray for wisdom for the Dr's and Nurses taking care of these two sweet babies, and all the others that are there as well.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Pray for Harper

For the last few months, I have been following the blog of a woman that I have really come to admire. Kelly was induced to deliver her baby Harper on Friday. At delivery, Harper was experiencing problems with her breathing. She has been transferred to another hospital with a wonderful NICU. Please visit Kelly's blog and offer her words of encouragment and some prayers. She is a very strong Christian and knows that God is at work in all of this!